The latex yielded 75 to 82 percent resin, and 14 to 15 percent caoutchouc. Various studies have shown the presence of a range of active compounds in the plant:- Euphorbon, which is isolated from the needles, contains 4% caoutchouc. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the risks of a lethal overdose are high, particularly when treating children. Laxative Odontalgic Parasiticide Poultice Purgative Rubefacient SkinĬaution should be observed in making medicinal preparations of this plant due to its high toxicity.
Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.Īntiasthmatic Antidote Antihaemorrhoidal Antirheumatic Antitumor Cancer Emetic Epilepsy Plants For A Future can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. The wood is used for fuel, toys, rafters, and veneers. It is planted to protect sand dunes and care soil in dry areas from wind and water erosions. African Milkbush is highly tolerant to salinity and drought and can be converted to biofuels. Different forms and preparations of plant parts can also be used against ulceration of nose, haemorrhoids, swellings, gonorrhoea, schistosomiasis, snake bites, stomach pain, constipation, intestinal worms, headache, asthma, epilepsy, vomiting, etc. Broken bones can be treated using poultices from the stem.

The pulped twigs are applied externally for leg oedema.

Young branches can be roasted then chewed to relieve sore throat while the ash from burning the branches can be used against cough and open abscesses. It has high toxicity but is harvested from the wild for medicinal purposes. Euphorbia tirucalli or commonly known as African Milkbush is a succulent shrub or small tree about 12 m in height. Other common names include Pencil Cactus, Milk Bush, Pencil Euphorbia, and Rubber Hedge Euphorbia. Normally found in dry bushland thickets and naturalizes easily in brushwood, open woodland and grassland at elevations up to 2,000 metres.ĭry regions of tropical Africa, though widely grown and naturalised in many areas of the tropics.

(All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested Handling plant may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction )
In south-western DR Congo the latex has been used in high doses as a trial by ordeal poison in various countries it is used as criminal poison. In East Africa the latex is commonly used as arrow poison and as an ingredient for bait to kill rodents and other wild animals the pulped stems are thrown in water as fish poison. Their co-carcinogenic effect on lymphoblastoid cells poses a real threat in Africa where drinking water is drawn around the plants. The extracts of the plant contain a number of esters of the tetracyclic diterpenoid phorbol, many of which have been shown to act as tumour promoters (cocarcinogens). The toxicity of the latex is considered seasonal or reduced in young plant parts, and young branches are even roasted and chewed. Eye contact with the sap can cause blindness lasting several days. The caustic, irritant sap contains a latex and is highly poisonous, causing severe injury to the eye, irritation and vesication from contact, emesis and purgation from ingestion. African Milkbush, Pencil Cactus, Milk Bush